T&R Contracting

Quality garden soils is the foundation for fantastic flower or vegetable gardens.
Spring is a time for renewal, and we are all ready to get out and muck about in the garden. If you have a balcony ....Read Article
Holiday Colouring Contest 2022
In the spirit of the holidays, T&R is hosting a colouring contest open to children ages 5-10 years old, a resident of Canada (except Quebec). ....Read Article
Water mitigation and mud control
BC has had a spectacular 2022 Fall season, with warmer temperatures and lower rainfall than past years. But now is the time to think about ....Read Article
Redi-Rock® – Rocks into Powell River for Townsite Brewing
One of the greatest Redi-Rock installations in BC happens to be in Powell River at the Townsite Brewing Company. Back in 2020, Covid forced everyone ....Read Article
Top tips to winterize your garden
Although fall represents a closing of a season, going into hibernation and snuggling up on chilly evenings; fall also represents the start of something new. ....Read Article